Samford Valley Markets
Samford Valley Markets
the second Saturday of the month
7am till noon!
(no January Markets)
Samford Valley Markets facebook page
Contact Kate through Facebook message.
If first aid is required during the Markets
Go immediately to the BBQ and ask for assistance.
Our monthly Saturday morning Markets have become an established village event and now draw people in from far and wide.
Locals find it's a relaxing way to start the weekend. You can shop for produce, find a bargain, enjoy brunch and indulge in truly great coffee– all in the delightful leafy grounds around the Church. Parking is close by and buses are welcomed.
Between 40 and 50 diverse stalls carry an amazing range of goods and services. Our Markets are famous for their welcoming atmosphere and their country charm.
Second Saturday of the month between 7am and Noon.
December Markets are "Twilight" Markets 3-7pm
NO Markets in January.
Each month a donation is made on behalf of the Stallholders from the proceeds of the markets. This is $250 plus collected community donations on the day.
Usually more than $2500 is donated each year. (dependent on number of markets)
2023 Donations
Samford State School Chaplaincy Programs
Mates for Mates
Bush Ministry Fund
Circus Qirkus
Mt Samson State School Chaplaincy Programs
Guide Dogs Qld in memory of Whim
ArchBishop's Emergency Relief Fund
Ambulance Wish Queensland
2022 Donations
Samford Valley Lions Club
Razzamatazz Show Sponsorship for Special Needs and Terminally Ill Children
Prostate Cancer Foundation
Whiskley's Wish
Samford State School Chaplaincy Program
Mates for Mates
2021 Donations
Samford State School Student Welfare
Samford Riding for the Disabled
Mates for Mates
Circus Quirkus - Closeburn Fire Brigade
Ferny 9 team Kokoda Challenge Youth Support Programs
Bush Ministry Fund in honour of Father Jim Nolan
Angel Tree
Whiskey's Wish
Archbishops Emergency Relief Fund
2020 Donations
* Subsidy towards Purchase of Covid 19 disinfecting Fog Machine to ensure safety of SVM stallholders, patrons, users of St Paul's Church and Hall
* Karuna Hospice
* Closeburn Fire Brigade to sponsor children for Circus Quirkus
* Distinguished Gentleman's Ride for Prostate Cancer and Men's Mental Health Services
* Bush Ministry Fund
* Whiskey's Wish
* Anglicare's Children's Christmas Appeal
2019 donations:
Indigenous Literacy
Kidney Health Australia - childrens camp
A local Family - Alyson's family
A local family - Angela's family
The Long Ride - Men's Health and Prostate cancer Foundation
Homelessness Services in Brisbane - women's, men's, youth and families support
Multiple Sclerosis Research through Goat Track Madness
Closeburn Rural Fire Brigade's sponsorship of children to Circus Quirkus
Golden Valley Keperra Lions Club presentation of the Festival - World of Magic