
Holy Week & Easter Services

We have a very full programme for you during Holy Week and Easter!

Palm Sunday. March 24th  7:30 and 9:00am

Holy Week begins with the sixth Sunday in Lent. This Sunday observes the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem that was marked by the crowds who were in Jerusalem for Passover waving palm branches and proclaiming him as the messianic king. Traditionally, worshippers enact the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem by the waving of palm branches and singing songs of celebration. Sometimes this is accompanied by a processional into the church.

Maundy Thursday March 28th  6:00pm

Good Friday March 29th  8:00am Stations of the Cross - This will be followed by Communion from the Reserved Sacrament

Holy Saturday March 30th  6:00pm Service of New Light    and

Easter Day March 31st  8:00am Resurrection Celebration Service.

Join us for these most holy days of the Christian year as we expereince our Lord's last supper with a meal as part of one service.

Be with us as we mourn the death of our Lord on Good Friday by visiting and participating in The Stations of the Cross in the church grounds and join then us for Hot Cross Buns afterwards.

Celebrate the wonder of our Lord's resurrection on the evening of Holy Saturday as we light the new fire and bring the light of Christ into the church and on

Easter Day as we joyfully proclaim our Lord's Resurrection.

We look forward to seeing you as we journey through the Holy week and celebrate with us in 2024!